十大博彩公司致力于卓越的学术成就和高质量的教学. We believe emphasis on character development, 公民身份, and Christian lifestyle are equally important. It is our desire to instill in each student the moral strength, spiritual insight, 作为一个负责任的公民和有效的基督徒过他或她的生活.
My two girls have been blessed by FCS since preschool, where they formed a wonderful foundation and a love of learning, 玩, and friendships. 现在 in third and seventh grade, 我的两个女儿都面临着挑战,要在一个支持性的环境中取得最好的学业成绩. Whether online or in person, 他们的老师作为家长与我们合作,确保我们的孩子得到他们所需要的高质量教育. 他们在处理这一切的同时,培养他们的社交情感发展,并理解他们在上帝的家庭中是谁. We are proud to call this community our learning “home.作为家长, 我很荣幸能够与他们的班级分享我们的文化,并为整个学校的多样性提供想法. — The Walker family
The teachers, principal, and staff at FCS have been amazing. When we dropped the kids off for their first day, we immediately felt they would be well taken care of, something we did not feel confident about at their previous school. 精心的组织和无缝的过程,让孩子们安全进出校园,让我们放心. The teachers do a wonderful job with communication. 我的孩子们很快就喜欢上了他们的新学校,并期待着每周去教堂做礼拜. 我们很欣赏和喜欢我们的新家,也很高兴我们把孩子转到了这里. — The Price family
把我三岁的儿子送到这个幼儿园是我做过的最好的决定. After I touring quite a few preschools in Fremont, I finally chose FCS, not only because my friend highly recommended it, 但也因为学校的理念和老师是如此的善良和奉献!
My son was born very premature. 对于他在陌生环境中的第一次经历,我总是很担心和担心. I needed to find a safe preschool with caring teachers of decent morality, friendly classmates, a satisfying teacher-student ratio, a healthy hot lunch, 还有充足的午睡和户外玩耍时间,让孩子们发展他们的身体敏捷能力.
I am so glad I found it! Everyday when I pick up my son, he always smiles and waves to me. 他甚至不愿意回家,因为在那里他和其他同学玩得很开心. 他的老师们都很热情,并且有和新生打交道的丰富经验. They comforted my son during the first couple of separation anxiety days, while keeping me updated on his behavior. 他只花了三天的时间就不流泪地适应了学校——这比我想象的要短得多! ——琳达·X.
In our family, we attest our faith and love as the center core of our being. 当我们找到FCS时,我们知道我们的孩子能够在精神上和学业上成长. 让我们的孩子被上帝的教导所包围,并学习为社区服务的方法,这确实为他们的灵魂奠定了坚实的基础. FCS teachers are a prime example of why my children are 富有同情心的, 深思熟虑的, and well-rounded people. — The Han family
我们非常感谢十大博彩公司和他们的团队帮助我们的女儿继续精神发展,并与基督同行. She continues to grow and flourish 在学业上. Through these challenging times, 我们认识到Chloe在FCS的这些年里是多么的负责任和独立, but especially right now. 我们的女儿在同学们的交往中有了极大的自信,在新常态中真正茁壮成长. 我们对弗里蒙特基督教会的老师和工作人员在校园和虚拟环境中管理学生的努力印象深刻. — The O'Rourke family
We feel truly blessed to have our children at Fremont Christian School. When we were researching high schools to send our then-freshman son, 我们在寻找一所以基督为中心的学校,继续建立他在上一所学校学到的价值观. We found so much more than that when we chose FCS. The teachers are caring, 富有同情心的, 勤劳的, and respectful of the 学生 and their individual styles of learning. 现在, having both of our children attending high school at FCS, we continue to see their growth in confidence, 独立, and their walk with Christ. 我们的孩子在FCS上九年级时受到了同学们的热烈欢迎. 我们的家庭很幸运地通过体育和其他活动与其他学校家庭建立了美好的友谊. — The Iqbal family
With each passing day of Jaxen’s freshman year, 我越来越相信Fremont Christian是他唯一的学校. Jaxen felt welcomed from the moment he applied. From his interview with Dr. 迈耶, to walking into the office to choose uniforms, or through various email communications, each interaction has built our trust in FCS. It’s so important in the teenage years that 学生 are seen and known, 弗里蒙特基督教会通过他们的行动传达了他们看到并了解我的儿子.
Jaxen felt a sense of belonging before the school year even began. 男子足球队是他第一次有机会与同学和教练/老师互动. Coach Liston, Mr. 雷耶斯, 整个团队都欢迎Jaxen,让他觉得自己是团队中有价值的一员, giving Jaxen the confidence that he was a Warrior.
This sense of belonging transcended the soccer field, as the entire student community has been so very welcoming. At the well-organized New Student Orientation in the fall, staff and 学生 of all grades were there to greet him, answer questions, show him around, and help him get settled. 很多高中学生之前都参加过FCS,这并不重要——从第一天起,他们就包括他, and he has made some wonderful friends!
Jaxen is so very happy with his Fremont Christian experience so far. His confidence has grown athletically, 在学业上, and spiritually — and it’s only been a few months! I am very appreciative of the entire Fremont Christian staff, 学生, 感谢你们让Jaxen的新生经历变得精彩,也感谢你们欢迎我们一家加入FCS社区. — The Bernetsky family
我们已经成为十大博彩公司社区的一员将近四年了,我们对我们十年级的孩子所接受的教育感到非常满意. After having spent preschool through sixth grade at another school, our son was understandably apprehensive about the move. 然而,在FCS不到一个月,他就对学校感到兴奋,并感谢我们的改变.
学者 were the primary draw for us, and we have seen tremendous growth and new areas of interest for our son, 优秀的教学团队和FCS提供的各种机会培养了他们. The expectations are high, and the 学生 rise to the occasion.
学术上的重视是很强的,并与帮助发展每个学生的优势和建立他们的信心的工作人员相结合, while at the same time teaching accountability and responsibility. 较小的班级规模是一种祝福,并鼓励我们的孩子在一个充满活力的课堂环境中茁壮成长.
FCS已被证明是一个重要的盟友,继续帮助我们的儿子在他与基督的关系中成长. He has forged bonds with his fellow 学生 through academics, 体育, and extracurricular activities. 员工对学生精神和学术成长的奉献是显而易见的. Our family feels very blessed to be at FCS! — The Emmett family